Principal Investigator: Mark Lewandowski, Maryland Department of Natural Resources
Co-Principal Investigator: Mike Naylor, Maryland Department of Natural Resources
Years Funded: 2017-2018
Project Description:
Despite the fact that lake and reservoir managers in the Mid-Atlantic face many AIS challenges, there is currently very limited cooperation and coordination between managers within and between states as to how to identify and react to these issues. The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is requesting funding to assist with the implementation of a Mid-Atlantic Lake Forum. This forum will bring together professionals from Maryland and surrounding states to discuss aquatic invasive species issues, encouraging information sharing and developing a multi-jurisdictional approach to controlling the spread of aquatic invasive species across state lines and to exchange information on control strategies for AIS species already present. Lake managers and AIS experts would discuss AIS issues within each state, identify red alert species of concern and work on solutions to minimize the spread of those species. Presentations would focus on control methods used in each state, innovations for minimizing introductions, herbicide use, and would end with a roundtable discussion that would develop a regional action plan. This regional plan would be used to increase information sharing between agencies, encourage all agencies to report their invasives and develop a regional interactive map that can track the spread of invasives.
Agenda can be found here.
Meeting minutes can be found here.
Presentation Archive:
- State of the Union: Is it time for a regional approach to Lake management? Lisa Borre
- Overview of AIS in Maryland; Mike Naylor
- Aquatic Invasive Species Spread Prevention in the Adirondacks & Lake Champlain; Eric Holmlund
- The Good, the Bad and the Invasive; Mike Steiger
- Pymatuning 2018 Hydrilla Suppression Project; Nick Decker
- Pennsylvania Lake Management Society; Nick Decker
- Engaging our Citizenry to keep our Lakes Clean; Beth Norman
- Deep Creek Lake Natural Resource Management Area Boat Inspections; Seth Metheny
- Assessing the Risk of Future Aquatic Invasive Species Establishment in a Changing World; Sara Stahlman
- The Science of AIS Compliance; Ed Rudberg
- Herbicides as Part of Integrated Strategies for Aquatic Plant Management; Rob Richardson
- Harmful Algal Blooms: Understanding the Need for Management; West Bishop
- City of Baltimore Raw Water Supply Zebra Mussel Monitoring and Control; Clark Howells
- Quagga Mussel Eradication in the Bainbridge Quarry; Ellyn Campbell
- Managing Multi-Purpose Lakes and Ponds in Columbia, MD; John McCoy
- Sustainable Lake & Pond Management Practices; Wesley Allen
- USGS NAS Database: Tracking AIS Movement; Ian Pfingsten
Photo credit: Mike Lewandowski